- Any person aged about 18 years, who has studied and studying in the KLE College, and has obtained and pays prescribed life membership subscription and fees, as applicable, shall be eligible to become a member of Association.
- The Association membership shall be as follows:-
a. Life Membership Fees Rs. 1,000.00
b. Annual Membership fees Rs. 250.00
c. Admission Fees Rs. 25.00 - All members of the Association are eligible to vote and contest to managing committee in the General Body Meeting.
- If the subscription of the member is in arrears for more than three months without satisfactory explanation to the Secretary. His/her name will be removed and the Executive Committee may reconsider his/her application for re-admission of membership.
- The termination of membership on death, the member acting against the objects of the Association unsound mind and other reasons stated by executive committee.
- All members may take part in the proceedings of the General Meeting. Only such members who have completed minimum period of 6 months as members shall exercise their vote.
Any member of the Association may apply to the Secretary for any information as may be required or any matter of the subjects or Rules and regulations of the Association.
- A General body meeting of the Association will be held annually during the month of June.
- The report of the Management of the previous years working and the audited accounts for the one period and proceedings year shall be discussed and submitted for confirmation.
- An Executive committee consisting of 10 members shall be elected in the General body meeting once in three years.
- The Secretary may call for a General body meeting to which 21 days notice shall be given to the members.
- The Executive committee shall meeting once a month for which the Secretary shall give notice of 7 days to the members.
- Voting shall be conducted by show of hands of Secret Ballot.
- 21 days clear notice for the annual general body meeting and 21 days notice for the Special General Body meeting shall be given, and the subject matters to be discussed shall be stated in the notice.
- Special General body meeting shall convene as per Sec.11 (3) of the K.S.R. Act 1960.
The quorum of the General body meeting shall be 2/3rd of the total membership of the Association.
- The Official year of the Association shall be from 1st April to 31st March.
- The assets and liabilities the balance sheet of the Assocation shall be and laid before the Annual General body meeting for confirmation.
- An Such a balance sheet and the list of Committee members shall be filed with the Registrar of Societies as per Sec. 13 of the K.S.R.Act, 1960.
An Auditor shall be appointed annually and the remuneration shall fixed by the members in the Annual General Body meeting.
- To ensure and promote the primary aims and objectives of the Association.
- To publish Annual report/accounts.
- To operate funds and manage the property of the Association and to present the duly audited accounts a Annual general body meeting.
- In the event of any office bearer laying down office for whatever reasons, the Managing committee can co-opt any member consider suitable for the office for the remaining period of the tenure or till election are held.
- To ensure utilization of income towards promoting the objectives of the Association.
- May decide to expel a member of Managing committee or member of the Association in case anyone is convicted of any criminal offence, or prove insanity or any member’s action in contravention to the Byelaws.
- To accept from Government, Non-Government, Local Bodies, Societies, NRI, Banks (Nationalized /Co-operative) and individuals Grants, Donations, Loans, Subscriptions or any property movable or immovable for furtherance of the objectives of the Association.
- At any meeting of the Executive committee each member present will have one vote except the President who shall have in addition a casting vote, voting may be raising of hands or Secret Ballot.
- To ensure that all monetary transaction are through objectives of the Association.
- Managing committee shall have power to appeals and raise funds and fulfill and formalities incumbent upon it.
- Executive committee may appoint a committee, Sub-committee with such powers deemed fit by this body for the purpose of incommensurate with objectives. The committee, Sub-committee may co-opt persons who are members of the Association.
- Executive committee may invite to their meetings not more than two specialists/experts who may be non-members of the Association whose presence with the deliberations is considered useful.
- To open bank account in the name of the Association in Scheduled/Nationalized/Co-operative/Scheduled bank, Private finance institution and operate by Secretary jointly with the Treasurer of the Association.
- Executive committee shall arrange for the publication in any manner Association journal, documents as may be considered fit in the furtherance of its objectives.
- To make the rules and Byelaws and get approved.
- To acquire or purchase, take on lease, hire or by gift or other wise and hold any moveable or immovable property or properties or any right or privileges that may be deemed necessary or useful for the advancement of the objects of the Association.
- The Governing Body shall not admit members during the last three months of its tenure.
Any member who is desirous of standing for the election as a member to the council of management shall be a member of the Association for at last 12 months prior to the date of nomination.
Any vacancy that may arise in the Executive committee may be filled in by the remaining committee members.
Any member of the Executive committee being absent for three successive meetings without proper cause shall cease to be a member of the Executive committee.
The Executive committee is to meet every month or earlier is any business to consider and Secretary shall convene such meetings 2/3rd shall quorum.
The executive committee in its meetings shall consider the entire question effecting business that may be of interest to the members of the Association and they shall inform and circulate any information, which may be of use to the members.
The funds of the Association shall be invested in the modes specified under the provisions of Sec.13 (1)(d) r.w.s11(5) of the I.T.Act, 1961 as amended from time to time.
There shall be maintenance of accounts of the Association. A chartered Accountant shall duly audit the accounts. The Accounts shall be closed 31st March every year.
Provided that no amendment to the Memorandum of Association, Rules and regulations of the Association shall be made which may prove to be repugnant to the provisions of Sec. 2 (15), 11, 12, 13 and 80G of the income Tax Act,1961 as amended from time to time. Further, no amendment shall be carried out without the prior approval of the commissioner of Income Tax.
In the event of dissolution or winding up of the Association, the assets remaining as on the date of dissolution shall under no circumstances be distributed among the members of the Managing committee/Governing body but the same shall transferred to another charitable Association/Association whose objects are similar to those of this Association and which enjoys recognition u/s. 80G of the I.T act 1961 as, amended from time to time.
The benefits of the Association shall be open to all irrespective of the caste creed or religion.
The funds and the income of the Association shall be solely utilized for the achievement of the objectives and no portion of it’s shall be utilized for payments to the members by way of profit, interest and dividends.
Alteration or amendment of the Memorandum of Association shall be made as per Sec.9 of the K.S.R.Act, 1960.
Change of Name, Rules and Regulations shall be made as per Sec. 10 K.S.R. Act, 1960.
If the Dissolution of the Association arise, Sec. 22 and 23 of the K.S.R. Act 1960 shall be followed.
Regarding the Amalgamation of the Association arises Sec. 21 of the K.S.R.Act, 1960 shall be followed.
For the matters, which have not been specified, provided to therein above, the provisions of K.S.R.Act, 1960 and the Rules made there under shall apply.
23. The working hours of the Association will be from :- Morning:10.00 A.M. To Evening: 06.00 P.M.
The administration and management of the association shall vest in the executive committee consisting of 10 members including President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Committee Members of the association.
He/She shall be in over all charge of the association and the General body meetings. All the policies and programmes shall be formulated and implemented, only through him/her.
The vice-president will preside over meetings in the absence of president as per the bye-laws. The vice-president will work on behalf of the President, wherever required in propagating the objectives, collecting donations, subscriptions, gifts etc. from public and any other activity as entrusted by the President.
The Secretaries shall call meetings of the Executive Committee whenever necessary for the transaction of the business before them; and shall arrange special meetings when required to do so by any five members thereof,, specifying the business to be transacted, provided at-least five days notice is given. The Secretaries shall with the consent of the Executive Committee, convene meetings of the General Body of the Association whenever necessary. The Executive Committee whenever it considers it necessary may decide to have a General Body meeting and the Secretaries shall convene it is pursuance of that decision and maintain the minute’s book and record of all the proceedings of the meetings.
He/She shall be the correspondent of the association and shall be in-charge of the office with all the record of the association and any legal disputes or questions from courts / commissions, government authorities or any public will be attended, answered on behalf of the association.
He/She shall be the custodian of all articles and belonging both movable and immovable of the Association.
He/She shall file with Registrar of Societies, Bengaluru relevant records of the Association for every year stipulated time without fail.
Any other powers entrusted by the Executive Committee by Resolution.
Treasurer will issue official receipt to all types of monetary or non-monetary donations, gifts, membership fees, contributions etc. and all collections shall be deposited, promptly within three days with such bank or banks as decided by the Executive Committee and submit report to the nest executive committee meeting.
The Treasurer shall maintain all the accounts, and take steps for audit of the association as per the prevailing rules, in time and submit report to meetings.
Any other powers entrusted by the Executive Committee by Resolution.
Will be participating in meeting and will join the office bearers while arriving at decisions in such meeting.